Providing dental agency services in Cardiff, dental staff agency in Newport, locum dental nurses in Swansea, dental staff agency in Abergavenny including Heads of the Valleys and North Bristol.
Contact Rosslyn Dental AgencyWe welcome contact at all hours! We appreciate that dental practices hear that a nurse is unavailable at short notice and we will take calls from very early morning up to 11 pm, seven days a week.If we are unable to take a call, any messages left on our answer machine will be returned at the earliest opportunity. Contact personsSally and Douglas Pyburn, Directors
Rosslyn Associates South Wales Ltd.11 Buzzard CloseRogietMonmouthshireNP26 3UYTel:- 07805 719961email:- admin@rosslyn-dentalagency.comCompany registration 7871322Vat:- 170621139
GDPR:- Rosslyn Dental Agency will only use the contact information from the company emails for business correspondence between the receiving company and Rosslyn Dental Agency. This will include replies to emails and advice regarding our business. The company does not subscribe to any commercial entities that may request details of our company and employees. If there is any concern that we are holding inappropriate details please do not hesitate to seek clarification from us.
Contact Rosslyn Dental AgencyWe welcome contact at all hours! We appreciate that dental practices hear that a nurse is unavailable at short notice and we will take calls from very early morning up to 11 pm, seven days a week.Rosslyn Associates South Wales Ltd.11 Buzzard CloseRogietMonmouthshireNP26 3UYTel:- 07805 719961email:- admin@rosslyn-dentalagency.comIf we are unable to take a call, any messages left on our answer machine will be returned at the earliest opportunity. Contact persons: Sally and Douglas Pyburn, DirectorsCompany registration 7871322 / Vat:- 170621139